Thinking of Luca

par Krista Bateman

Prêt·e au départ
Thinking of Luca
3 790€ récoltés

Luca - you found out that you had cancer in August 2020. You fought hard and went through so much with chemo, radiology. You never complained once and were so unbelievably brave. You were in remission in March 2021 and went back to school, managing to get your BAC despite the fact that the cancer returned already in May. You took your oral exams via video from your hospital bed during chemotherapy.... You enrolled in university wanting to be an ethical computer hacker. We got you an apartment in Nancy which you were to share with your best friend Noaim. You stayed there a total of 4 nights in September but were never able to return... Luca, you were never well enough to go to class at the university and stayed at home during the different chemotherapy treatments which your body did not support. On a positive note, you fell in love in January of 2021 with Anais whom you met online. She lives on the other side of France but you managed to meet up in person and spent more than 8 weeks together during the year. On Christmas Eve, you asked her to be your fiancée. You were happy. Two days later, your health declined rapidly and you left us on 24 January 2022.

You left such a hole in the lives of those that you left behind. It seems that yellow was your favourite colour and I have planted many yellow rose bushes in the front in your honour. Also thinking of you, I have never since worn matching socks, I wear your OnePiece jacket everywhere and am reading your entire collection of mangas. I promise that I will not give them away! So many things make us think of you and I will do this 5 km walk - sorry babe but I cannot do the run! - and will think of you the entire time. I will forever feel you in my heart Luca. 🌵🐇💛💛💛

— Krista

LËTZ GO GOLD est une course solidaire organisée par la Fondatioun Kriibskrank Kanner et qui a lieu le dernier samedi matin du mois de septembre. Chaque participant s’engage à collecter un minimum de 200€ (100€ pour les mineurs et étudiants de moins de 25 ans) afin de financer la recherche contre les cancers pédiatriques : découvrir de nouveaux médicaments, améliorer ceux qui existent et en savoir plus sur les causes des cancers pédiatriques.

Depuis 30 ans, la Fondatioun Kriibskrank Kanner accompagne au quotidien les familles d’enfants atteints d’un cancer ou d’une maladie rare à danger vital. Son équipe pluri-disciplinaire propose un accompagnement individuel dès le diagnostic jusqu'à la rémission de l’enfant et offrant un service administratif et financier, du soutien psychologique et social et des activités pédagogiques et récréatives. Par ailleurs, la fondation entreprend des campagnes de sensibilisation et participe à l'amélioration de la condition de l'enfant malade. Finalement elle soutient activement la recherche onco-pédiatrique avec un seul but : traiter mieux et plus.

Donations (48)

48 donateurs soutiennent "Thinking of Luca"
40 €
Hannah  —  il y a 7 mois

Good Luck!

50 €
Helen  —  il y a 7 mois

thinking of you

10 €
Krista  —  il y a 7 mois

I'm missing you Luca! I'm thinking of you every step of the way.

150 €
Krista  —  il y a 7 mois

Luca, I would give everything I own to have you back. I miss you so much each and every day. I can do nothing more to help you. Now all I can do is to give again and again in hopes that other children in the future will not have to suffer as you did. I love you so much Lulu.

30 €
Anonyme  —  il y a 7 mois
10 €
Sherry  —  il y a 7 mois
150 €
Anonyme  —  il y a 7 mois
80 €
Estelle  —  il y a 7 mois

We miss you Luca.

150 €
rosa  —  il y a 7 mois
50 €
Margaret  —  il y a 7 mois

In memory of Luca and thankful for all the support Krista has received. Best of luck with the walk! Margaret & Richard

150 €
Steve  —  il y a 7 mois

Courage. Great foundation.

150 €
Daniel  —  il y a 7 mois
150 €
Jacob  —  il y a 7 mois

Very touching story ... happy to support such a great Fondations like Kriibskrank Kanner.

100 €
Steve  —  il y a 7 mois

Luca, you impact on others was more than you knew. You are missed.

5 €
Niamh  —  il y a 7 mois

Thinking of you Krista 🩷🩷