still fighting

by Alain Hastert

Ready to Run
still fighting
1 054€ raised

Wéi d’läscht Joer scho maachen ech bei dësem Evenement mat well mäin Bouf, de Leo, u Leukemie erkrankt ass.
Ech versiche souvill wéi méiglech Spenden zesummen ze kréie fir d'Fuerschung géint de Kriibs bei de Kanner virun ze dréiwen.
Dofir maach och du mat an Ënnerstëtz de «LËTZ GO GOLD» mat enger klenger Spend!

All € zielt !

Villmools Merci am Viraus!

Comme l’année dernière je participe à cet évènement parce que mon fils Leo est atteint d’une leucémie.
J’essaye de collecter un max d’argent pour booster la recherche contre les cancers pédiatriques.
Donc participe toi aussi et soutien l’événement «LËTZ GO GOLD» avec un don !

Chaque € pour la recherche compte !

Merci !

Like last year, I participate in this event because my son Leo has leukaemia.
I try to raise as much money as possible to boost the research against paediatric cancers.
So participate too and support the «LËTZ GO GOLD» event with a donation!

Every € for research counts!

Thank you!

Wie im letzten Jahr nehme ich an dieser Veranstaltung teil, da mein Sohn Leo an Leukämie erkrankt ist.
Ich versuche so viel Geld wie möglich zu sammeln, um die Forschung gegen Krebserkrankungen bei Kindern voran zu treiben.
Machen auch Du mit und unterstütze das «LËTZ GO GOLD» Event mit einer Spende!

Jeder € für die Forschung zählt!

Vielen Dank!

— Alain

LËTZ GO GOLD is a charity run organised by the Fondatioun Kriibskrank Kanner and takes place on the last Saturday morning of September. Each participant agrees to collect a minimum of € 200 (€ 100 for minors and students under 25 years of age) to fund paediatric cancer research: find new cures, improve existing ones, and learn more about the causes of paediatric cancers.

For the past 30 years, Fondatioun Kriibskrank Kanner has been accompanying families of children with cancer or a rare life-threatening disease on a daily basis. It’s multi-disciplinary team offers an individual accompaniment from the diagnosis to the remission of the child and offering administrative and financial services, psychological and social support and educational and recreational activities. In addition, the Foundation undertakes awareness campaigns and contributes to the improvement of the condition of the sick child. Finally, we actively support onco-pediatric research with one goal: to treat better and more.

Donations (47)

47 donors are supporting "still fighting"
2.5 €
Nelson has given 80 € to Ville d'Esch goes Gold  —  10 months ago
1.57 €
Meris has given 50 € to Ville d'Esch goes Gold  —  10 months ago

Bravo à notre équipe locale pour leur engagement dans la recherche contre les cancers pédiatriques! Ensemble, nous pouvons faire la différence. 💛🎗️ #lëtzgogold2023 #fightchildhoodcancer"

1.57 €
Laetitia has given 50 € to Ville d'Esch goes Gold  —  10 months ago
46.88 €
Ville d'Esch-sur-Alzette has given 1500 € to Ville d'Esch goes Gold  —  10 months ago

Ville d'Esch goes gold!

0.63 €
Anonymous has given 20 € to Ville d'Esch goes Gold  —  10 months ago
1.25 €
Michele has given 40 € to Ville d'Esch goes Gold  —  10 months ago
1.57 €
Marc has given 50 € to Ville d'Esch goes Gold  —  10 months ago
1.25 €
Joe has given 40 € to Ville d'Esch goes Gold  —  10 months ago
2.5 €
Annette has given 80 € to Ville d'Esch goes Gold  —  10 months ago
150 €
Nuno  —  10 months ago
3.23 €
Pim has given 100 € to Ville d'Esch goes Gold  —  10 months ago
1.29 €
Jessica has given 40 € to Ville d'Esch goes Gold  —  10 months ago
50 €
Alain  —  10 months ago
30 €
Tani  —  10 months ago

Ech laafen och fir dech, Leo Du packs dat

1.29 €
Carla has given 40 € to Ville d'Esch goes Gold  —  10 months ago

Send you positive vibes