What is Lëtz Go Gold

LËTZ GO GOLD is a charity run organized by the Fondatioun Kriibskrank Kanner and takes place on Saturday morning, September 28, 2024. Each participant agrees to collect a minimum of €200 (€100 for minors and students under 25 years of age) to fund paediatric cancer research: find new cures, improve existing ones, and learn more about the causes of paediatric cancers.

100% of the donations collected will be allocated to research projects selected by Fight Kids Cancer thanks to the sponsoring partners who cover the costs of the event.

Who can register?

Anyone who agrees and commits to collect the defined minimum amount of € 200 and who wants to run or walk 5 or 10 km on Saturday 28 September in Luxemburg. The 1.5 km circuit is accessible to strollers and all terrain wheelchairs.

Can minors sign up?

Yes minors can register, but must have a parental consent form, completed by a parent, and present it on the day of the event. Children under 12 must be under the supervision of an adult during the run.

Is registration for the race free?

No, the registration costs are €10.

In exchange, you will receive:

  • The official running t-shirt of the LËTZ GO GOLD charity run
  • Water supplies and snacks during the run
  • A Poldi bag with a few of surprises

Overall, your registration in the LËTZ GO GOLD charity run allows you to take part in an unforgettable party!

Is the LËTZ GO GOLD charity run timed?

No, the participant's time is not recorded. Participants who would like to know their time will have to record it themselves.

The podium celebration will reward those participants who have collected the most – individually and as a team.

Can I volunteer (instead of running or walking)?

To make the LETZ GO GOLD charity run a successful event, we need a large number of volunteers. To apply, you must be 18 years old or older on September23, 2023. Send an email to gogold@fondatioun.lu to introduce yourself and explain in a few words why you would like to volunteer.

How can I become a LËTZ GO GOLD partner / sponsor?

For each edition of the LËTZ GO GOLD charity run, we need a certain number of sponsors to cover the costs of the event and thus allow to allocate 100% of all donations collected to the selected paediatric cancer research projects.

If you are interested in sponsoring and require more information on the different partnership packages, do not hesitate to contact us by mail, veerle.dierick@fondatioun.lu or by phone at +352 31 31 70.

What are the rules and regulations of the LËTZ GO GOLD charity run?

Here is a link to the rules and regulations of the run which we recommend you to read.


What you should know

The registration fees have been lowered to €10 per participant. You must collect €200 (€100 for minors and students under 25) to complete your registration and guarantee your spot at the starting line.

If you are unable to raise this amount, unfortunately, you will not be able to participate in the run. It may sound harsh but we cannot tolerate any exceptions without losing the uniqueness of our charity run concept.

100% of the donations will be allocated to paediatric cancer research projects aimed at discovering new cures, improving existing ones and learning more about the cause of paediatric cancers. All organizational costs of the LËTZ GO GOLD charity run are funded separately by our sponsoring partners.

The registration procedure

1. Getting started

Go to the home page and click on the “register” button.

If you want to run with an existing team (friends, family, private), go to the page of this team, which you will find either through the link sent by the captain of the team, or via the search engine. On the page of this team, register by clicking on the button “Join the team”.

Fill in the registration form and pay the €10 registration fee. You will then receive an email informing you that you are registered and can start collecting funds.

If your company participates in the LËTZ GO GOLD charity run as a team, get in touch with the contact person in your company before creating your own fundraising page. You may have special registration or collection conditions.

2. Create your fundraising page

The information provided in the first step will automatically appear on your fundraising page.

To warm your friends and family, add a nice picture and a personal message to your fundraising page. Explain to them, in a few words, why you are participating in the LËTZ GO GOLD charity run. Why in your opinion it is important to fund paediatric cancer research? We will provide you with a few text samples which you can customize.

You cannot publish or unpublish your collection page. If you still wish to delete your page, please send a request by e-mail to gogold@fondatioun.lu.

3. Broadcast and collect

Each participant must raise a minimum of €200 (€100 for minors and students under the age of 25) through his LËTZ GO GOLD fundraising page.

Talk about the LËTZ GO GOLD charity run around you: friends, neighbours, family, colleagues, school, ... and convince them to support you and share your fundraising page on social media. Feel free to consult the tips and tricks in the FAQ section on how to best fundraise.

Each donation gives right to a tax certificate that will be sent directly by email to the donator as soon as his payment is validated.

If you want to join the LËTZ GO GOLD team in your company, get in touch with the contact person in your company before creating your own fundraising page. You may have special registration or collection conditions. Do not hesitate to ask for our help via gogold@fondatioun.lu.

When is my registration final?

Your registration is considered final once the €200 have been collected (€100 for minors and students under 25 years). Only then will you be allowed to participate in the run. We will send you small reminders as long as you have not reached your goal, and an email confirming your registration when you have reached the minimum amount.

What happens when I collected the defined €200 ?

Congratulations! You will receive an email a few days before the LËTZ GO GOLD D-Day confirming your registration and participation.

What is the deadline to collect the €200 ?

For organizational purposes, all registrations must be made by September 24, 2024 at midnight.

By this date, you must have collected at least €200 (€100 for minors and students under 25) via your LËTZ GO GOLD fundraising page to be able to participate in the run on September 28, 2024.

If you were unable to collect €200 (€100 for minors and students under 25 years old) on September 28, 2024, but you managed to find a few last-minute donators before the start of the run, we kindly ask you to present proof of your additional donations (e.g. by showing your fundraising page on your smartphone or your registration confirmation email).

It is important to know that your entourage can continue to support you after the run as well. You will have access to your fundraising page until October 31st,2024.

What happens if I am unable to collect the €200 ?

If you fail to collect the minimum amount, you will not be able to participate in the run. It may sound harsh but we cannot tolerate any exceptions without losing the uniqueness of the concept of our solidarity run.

100% of collected donations will be used to fund research projects against childhood cancer. So if you have not reached the goal, the amount collected will still be added to the total of the funds collected via the charity run.

You will can more information in the rules and regulations.

Can I cancel my registration and get a refund?

The registration fee is non-refundable.

It is impossible to transfer your registration to a third party.

If you change your mind and do not want to run anymore, 100% of the money you have raised will be used to fund research projects against childhood cancer.

You can find more information in the rules and regulations.

Do I need a medical certificate to participate?

No, you do not need a medical certificate. We let you self-assess your health and assume that if you register, you are able to run or walk in the LËTZ GO GOLD charity run.

Create / join a team

Can I participate with a team?

You can create a team profile with your friends, family, colleagues, class, school, youth movement, etc. This allows you to get together as a team and collect as many funds as possible for research against childhood cancer.

Please note that each participant must always collect a minimum of €200 (€100 for minors and students under 25) to participate in the LËTZ GO GOLD charity run on Saturday morning, September 28, 2024.

The creator of the team is the captain by default and will track everyone's collection efforts. He will encourage everyone to raise the minimum amount and even better, to become the 2024 team that has collected the most funds!

A few days before the closing of the fundraising, the captain of the team will have the opportunity to equally spread the donations to ensure that each member of the team can participate in the LËTZ GO GOLD charity run.

If your team has more than 50 participants with complete registration or the collection has reached at least 10,000 euros, your team will be entitled to its own tent in the village on Saturday morning September 28, 2024.

How can I create my own team?

You must start by creating your personal fundraising page. Then you will have the opportunity to create your team.

Personalize your team's page with a motivating picture, tell potential donators who you are and why you choose to participate in the LËTZ GO GOLD charity run and how much you would like to collect as a team.

Those who want to join your team can do this by searching the team via the search engine and clicking on the button "I join this team".

How to promote my team?

Give free rein to your creativity! Run with a hat, a cape, a wig, original makeup, ribbons or banners… just make sure your t-shirt remains clearly visible.

How to join an existing team?

If you want to join an existing team, you must first create your personal fundraising page. Thanks to the search engine, you can then search for a specific team and join it by clicking on the button “I join this team”.

If you want to join the LËTZ GO GOLD team of your company, get in touch with the contact person in your company before creating your own fundraising page. You may have special registration or fund collection conditions.

In case the contact person at your company is not available, send an email to gogold@fondatioun.lu who can help you.

How to create a team for my organization?

Each corporate team will be managed by the Fondatioun Kriibskrank Kanner.

If you wish to constitute a team within your organization, send your request to gogold@fondatioun.lu. If your team reaches or exceeds 50 participants, your team will be entitled to its own tent on September28, 2024. Another advantage: your t-shirts will be waiting for you in your team’s tent. No need to go to the retrieval tent!


How to collect funds effectively – a few tips.

  1. Choose a nice picture for your fundraising page. This will make it more personal and show your commitment to childhood cancer!
  2. On your fundraising page, explain why you want to participate in the LËTZ GO GOLD charity run. Talk about your motivation to fund research against childhood cancer. Maybe you know someone who has had cancer as a child, or maybe participating in the run isis important to you just because you think children deserve better cures. We will help you with some sample texts but your own words will always have more impact. You can always edit your text later if you have other ideas.
  3. If there is little activity or personal content, your environment will probably feel less encouraged to support you and make a donation on your fundraising page. For this reason, we recommend that you first contact your closest friends and family to support you (by sending them a link to your fundraising page). Perhaps you can make the first donation yourself. Good to know: typically, the amount of the first donation sets the tone for the following donations…
  4. When your fundraising page is starting to take off, talk about the LËTZ GO GOLD charity run around you, to your acquaintances, to your extended family, to your co-workers, to your classmates ... and convince them to support you as well. Now would be a good time to share your fundraising page on social media.
  5. Are you organising a celebration at your home anytime soon (birthday, barbecue, drink with friends, …)? Ask your guests to make a donation on your LËTZ GO GOLD fundraising page instead of bringing flowers or a gift. This is an excellent opportunity to draw attention to your commitment and increase your donations counter!
  6. Why not set up a small fundraising business? You can organise a cake sale, make bracelets and sell the products you have made at school, to your neighbors and your family to support research against childhood cancer. Every initiative is a good initiative.

Remember that your registration will be considered final only when you have collected a minimum of € 200 (€ 100 for minors and students under 25). Only then will you be allowed to join the starting line on September 28rd 2024 in Luxemburg.

Do I really have to collect funds?

Yes! Each participant must raise a minimum of € 200 (€ 100 for minors and students under the age of 25) through his LËTZ GO GOLD fundraising page.

Don’t worry, it's a lot easier than it looks! Talk about the LËTZ GO GOLD charity run around you, to your friends, to your colleagues, to your neighbors, to your family, ... and convince them to support you. Don’t forget to share your fundraising page on the social media.


How can I donate? How do I support a participant?

Go to our home page and click on "donate".

Look for the runner / walker you want to support by entering his name in the search box, select it and once on his fundraising page, click on the “donate” button.

If you cannot find the participant you want to support, ask them to send you the link of their fundraising page.

If you know none of the participants, but you want to support our paediatric cancer research projects, then select the fundraising page of our mascot, Poldi.

Where will my money go?

100% of donations will be allocated to research projects aimed at finding new cures, improving existing ones and learning more about the cause of paediatric cancers.

All organizational costs of the LËTZ GO GOLD charity run are funded separately by our sponsoring partners.

Are donations treated with confidence?

We have chosen a reliable and experienced partner (Raise and Shine) for your donations and the registration of your personal data; all your personal data will be treated with absolute discretion and kept secure at all times.

The total amount of your donation will be transferred directly to a specific account of the Fondatioun Kriibskrank Kanner and will be fully allocated to the research projects against childhood cancer. This is possible thanks to our partners who are financing all costs of the LËTZ GO GOLD charity run.

Will I receive a tax certificate?

Upon validation of your payment, each donator will receive a tax certificate by simple return email.

The Race


We are working hard to ensure that your arrival and access to the LËTZ GO GOLD village is easy. We encourage you to use public transport and carpooling, as the number of parking spaces is limited this year.

Entry of the site

We recommend that you arrive at least one hour before the start time of the event (11:00 a.m.) in order to have enough time to pick up your t-shirt and enjoy the collective warm-up session.


09:00 — Opening of the LËTZ GO GOLD village. Welcome, luggage storage, start of animation in the village

10:30 — Collective warm-up

11:00 — Start of the run

12:15 — Collective cool-down

12:30 — Official ceremony with podium celebration, minute of silence, check handover

13:15 — Closing concert and lunch (food trucks)

14:00 — End of the event

At what time should I arrive?

The LËTZ GO GOLD village opens at 09:00 on Saturday morning 28 September 2024

The run starts at 11:00. We advise you to arrive at least one hour in advance to collect your t-shirt and Poldi bag and to enjoy the collective warm-up session.

What should I bring along?

You must bring the following documents to the retrieval tent:

  • the email confirming your definitive registration testifying your fund collection of minimum €200 (paper version or your smartphone) or your identity card
  • if you are over 18, and you are still a student: your student card (in case you have collected between €100 and €200),
  • if you are under 18 years of age: your signed parental authorization authorizing your participation in the race.

Once this step is completed, you will receive your t-shirt and Poldi bag.

Where will I get my t-shirt?

T-shirts and Poldi bags are to be collected from the booth of the Fondation à la Belle Etoile (route d'Arlon, Bertrange) on September 21 and 22 between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m.) only by participants whose registration is considered as definitive (200€ collected, 100€ for participants under 18 and students under 25).

  • Thursday 19st and Friday 20nd of September between 10 am and 7 pm

All other participants can still collect their t-shirt and Poldi bag on the day of the run, with their proof of minimum collection reached.

Please present the following documents:

  • the email confirming your definitive registration testifying your fund collection of minimum €200 (paper version or smartphone) or your identity card
  • if you are over 18, and you are still a student: your student card (in case you have collected between €100 and €200),
  • if you are under 18 years of age: your signed parental authorization authorizing your participation in the run.

Is there storage for sports bags?

Yes, next to the retrieval tent, there will be a tent where you can safely drop off your gym bag. You will receive a ticket and after the run, you can pick up your bag with the ticket. Please put your name and phone number on your gym bag.

Can I change my route before D-Day?

Yes it's possible! Through your user account on online, you can access your options and change your route before the 28 September. If you have trouble to do so, contact us at gogold@fondatioun.lu before the run and specify the route you prefer to follow: 1.5 km walking, 5 km walking or running or 10 km running.

Can I run with a stroller and children?

The 1.5 km course is open to all-terrain strollers and to small children under 12 years old, provided an adult accompanies them.

Can I participate in a wheelchair?

The LËTZ GO GOLD charity run is inclusive and people with reduced mobility or handicap are welcome. We recommend “all terrain” wheelchairs.

Will there be a nursery?

On race day, we allow children aged between 2 and 10 to have fun in the nursery while their parents enjoy the race course.

If you would like to take advantage of this free, professional service, all you have to do is return the registration form, which will be available in a dedicated newsletter before the race and will be sent to participants.

The nursery will be open from 10.30am to 12.15pm and will accept a maximum of 40 children.

The children will be supervised by professionals from the Barbara and Tiramisù network of crèches and day-care centres, whom we would like to thank for this wonderful partnership.

Can I bring my pet?

No, pets are not allowed to participate in the LËTZ GO GOLD charity run. The place and the animation on the site – both in the village and throughout the different routes – are not suitable for the needs of our four-legged friends.

Will there be a podium celebration?

Yes, there will be 3 categories: the best individual collector, the best team and the best corporate team.

Will I be filmed or photographed?

Yes, throughout the run and within the village, photographers and a team of videographers will take pictures and film the event.

By registering in the LËTZ GO GOLD charity run, you have accepted the rules and regulations, and therefore the possibility of being filmed and photographed. All photos and videos belong to the Fondatioun Kriibskrank Kanner.

Where can I find pictures and movies after the event?

After the LËTZ GO GOLD charity run, all pictures and films will be available on www.letzgogold.lu.

You can also follow us on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.

On-site Amenities

Sports bag storage and changing rooms

Next to the retrieval tent, there will be luggage storage where you can drop off your gym bag safely.

There are changing rooms, but no showers on site.

On the course, there are two water and food supply stations available for all participants.

Food trucks

In the LËTZ GO GOLD village, there will be several food trucks selling their culinary specialities (including vegetarian dishes). We would like to thank you in advance for keeping the LËTZ GO GOLD village clean by throwing your garbage in the bins provided.


Would you like to become a sponsor of the run, co-finance all organization costs and therefore ensure that 100% of the funds collected by the donors is attributed to selected research programs? Please contact us by email or by phone: veerle.dierick@fondatioun.lu, +352 313170

Financed Projects

100% of donations raised are allocated to carefully selected research projects.

Indeed, after reviewing and scoring the full applications, the Program Committee selected 2 clinical trials and 6 translational research projects for a total of over 10.7 million euros in May 2024. Follow us and visit our website https://lnkd.in/e3uZKNzN to find out more about each selected project.

Our common goal is to accelerate the development of more effective treatments to save more lives of children with cancer.

Meeting strict criteria of innovation, international collaboration and significant impact on young patients, all projects are analyzed and ranked according to criteria of excellence by a panel of independent international experts.

Don't hesitate to contact us

+352 31 31 70 gogold@fondatioun.lu